Maintaining – and Enhancing – Productivity in a Telework Environment

Have you found yourself wondering lately:

  • Can I effectively lead my team when we’re exclusively teleworking?
  • Can I be fully productive in a telework environment?
  • How do I stay connected to remote colleagues and work collaboratively?
  • How do I run an effective on-line meeting?

COVID-19 is having a significant impact on our personal and professional lives. There is a great deal of uncertainty about what the future holds, and with that uncertainty comes angst and worry.

A good way to deal with uncertainty is to focus on what we’re able to control. One of the things within our control is how we manage our workplace, both as leaders and employees. The decision to shift to full telework may be beyond our control, but the manner in which we react to it is within our control.

Telework has already proven itself to be a viable alternative to conventional work. Over the years CI International has been delivering telework training, we’ve found four fundamental principles that enable telework teams to be effective:

A focus on results, and not on activities
Clear identification of communications protocols and expectations
Intentionality about being visible
Enhanced Responsiveness

Here’s the thing about these four elements: we should be doing this in all work environments. Everyone wants to know what results are expected and appreciate not being micro-managed; all offices should have clearly established communications protocols and expectations; the accomplishment of employees should be open and visible; and employees should hold themselves to a level of responsiveness that meets the needs of the team.

Telework isn’t something to be endured, but something which can enhance the organization’s ability to be successful. However, building a successful telework environment doesn’t happen by accident. An intentionality is required, particularly in giving employees the tools to be successful in a new and changing environment.

CI International has four telework webinars available that address the key elements noted above. These 2-hour sessions build the necessary level of competence and expertise for employee to thrive in a remote environment and ensure the organization continues to successfully achieve both short-term goals and the long-term mission. These instructor-led sessions are delivered in an engaging, interactive format that allows for discussion, questions, and activities. Those workshops are described below.

Leading in a Telework Environment
Many front-line leaders are anxious and uncertain about telework programs, fearing loss of control over employees’ daily work and lacking trust in their subordinates’ ability to work without direct supervision. This workshop will focus on building the leadership skills, trust and confidence to manage a successful telework program.


  • Gain tools to more effectively lead in a telework environment
  • Raise “hot button” concerns managers have regarding telework and identify strategies to resolve telework problems
  • Learn the four best practices of successful telework and how to apply them as a manager
  • Establish effective communication protocols and strategies

Making Telework Work
This online workshop gives both managers and employees the knowledge, skills, tools and confidence to make your telework program a success. The workshop is particularly effective for intact teams so they can build a common understanding and mutual support for the shift to telework. Participants will leave with action plans under each objective and with practical tools they can put to use immediately after the workshop.


  • Identify the benefits and challenges of telework
  • Understand the importance of performance management in making telework successful
  • Learn to stay visible, responsive and connected in a telework environment
  • Establish effective communication strategies for telework

Conducting Effective Virtual Meetings
This workshop provides practical tools and skills for planning, leading, and participating
in a virtual meeting. Workshop participants will gain insight into how to maximize meeting platform software and tap the collective wisdom of the group to gather data, make decisions, and develop effective action plans to make the decisions reached in the meeting a reality.

  • Collect ideas for successfully planning a virtual meeting
  • Learn how to run an effective meeting using meeting technology
  • Develop techniques to increase group participation

Staying Connected in a Telework Environment
This workshop focuses primarily on the use and function of applications to enable team members to collaborate most effectively. The class will focus on three primary areas of technology tools; 1) document and data collaboration 2) communication collaboration and 3) meeting collaboration. Users will be provided options in how and when to utilize these tools.


  • Learn to effectively use collaboration tools to stay connected
  • Understand the different collaboration tools that are available and their appropriate uses for team members
  • Understand how to improve document and data collaboration
  • Discuss appropriate use and protocol for utilizing communication tools such as email, phone, text, IM, hangouts, discussion forums and social media